Volunteer efforts to help low-and middle-income workers complete federal and state income tax forms resulted in refunds of over $1,000,000 in Wisconsin and Arizona for the tax year 2011.

At Arizona Central Credit Union the help offered for 27 returns resulted in $36,509 in federal refunds and $7532 in state refunds.

At St. John’s Hospital, help with 143 returns netted $173,518 in federal refunds and $50,739 coming back from the state.

In Wisconsin, with help concentrated in the Madison area, combined state and federal refunds totaled $961,180 for 495 returns.

For the average client the tax help in past years meant $500 more into his or her pocket than would otherwise be the case. For someone earning $11/hr, that amounts to a 2 per cent raise. That’s money that does not come out of the employer’s pocket, meaning both the worker and the employer benefit.