Dreaming of Downton

The last season of “Downton Abbey” has just finished airing the U.S., and a significant portion of the populace is once again caught up in the fortunes and misfortunes of the Earl of Grantham and his household, both above- and below-stairs. Why are we so interested?

To give it its due, the cast is phenomenal, the production values are

Scottish Independence: What Now?

On April 18, 1949, bells and celebrations erupted in Ireland. Thirty-three years after the beginning of the Easter Rebellion, the Republic of Ireland Act came into force, severing the last constitutional link to England and the British monarchy. This was followed by the Ireland Act of 1949, in which Britain conceded its former role and


Social Entrepreneurship Taught at Oxford for University of Wisconsin Students

Energy, environment, food production, and healthcare are some of the top challenges in the world that are being confronted by the faculty and students at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and other campuses of the UW system as part of a study abroad class on social entrepreneurship being taught at Oxford University this August


Fellowship in Honor of President Kim Clark at Oxford

“With power comes responsibility – it is as simple as that” said Professor Peter Tufano as he welcomed visitors to a discussion about business leadership and responsibility to celebrate the creation of the Kim B. Clark Fellowship in Responsible Leadership at Saїd Business School at Oxford University on September 7th. “Business organisations have power. How should

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