Sustainable Business

A “Necessity Entrepreneur”

A “necessity entrepreneur” is an individual who starts a business not because they recognize an opportunity to make money, but because there is no other option to make a living. Sadly, billions of people in the developing world with little access to education or reliable jobs are in this position. Their microbusinesses are often simple.

2020-11-11T06:05:39-06:00Tags: |

Cell Phones Driving Progress and Change in Africa

Throughout the developed world, the rise of cell phones as a way to communicate and stay connected has been a potent force in economic and social change. New devices and more connectivity have changed not only the business landscape, but also the way we interact with our friends, families, and relations. While many assume this change has been limited to

Is International Trade Good or Bad for Communities?

The human instinct for trade has deep historical roots, but its economic, social and political importance has risen in recent times due to industrialisation, technological advance and globalisation. In fact, there is evidence that our Cro-Magnon ancestors engaged in trade and moved from barter for their immediate use to trade for resale. The shift by

2020-11-11T07:41:15-06:00Tags: |

Celebrating one who uses business to help minorities

Len Greenhalgh is a senior management professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire. He is also faculty director of Tuck’s extensive programs for minorities, entrepreneurial women and Native Americans. Dartmouth College was founded in 1769 with a royal charter to serve Native Americans and European settlers in New England.

2020-10-27T13:49:03-05:00Tags: |

Dreaming of Downton

The last season of “Downton Abbey” has just finished airing the U.S., and a significant portion of the populace is once again caught up in the fortunes and misfortunes of the Earl of Grantham and his household, both above- and below-stairs. Why are we so interested?

To give it its due, the cast is phenomenal, the production values are

Building Social Enterprises in Nepal

For hundreds of years, many societies have delegated the responsibility to care for the underprivileged to governments and charities. However, the past two decades have seen a surge in the number of businesses taking interest in providing opportunities and resources to disadvantaged individuals, families and communities. Perhaps the most striking examples have come from developing


Cash Transfers Are One Way to Alleviate Poverty in Developing Countries

Worldwide, over 1 billion people live in extreme poverty. That is, they make less than $1.25 a day. Moreover, until recently, about 3 billion people, who represented about half the world population, lived on less than $2.50 a day. These World Bank figures speak volumes about how big the poverty problem is. The size of


Making Toilets ‘Cool’ Needs to be Major Health Priority in India

For hundreds of millions of people in rural India, living life without a toilet used to be quite common. However, thanks to the Indian government’s toilet building program, millions of people now have regular access to toilets for the first time. Although this sounds like a tremendous success, there’s still one more thing to be


Is Puerto Rico America’s Greece?

The current predicaments of Greece and Puerto Rico have been a long time in the making. No single policy or economic agreement is to blame, but the difficulties involved in both situations are likely to negatively impact many people, creditors and debtors alike. Unfortunately, regardless of the resolutions, it is probable that the poor will

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